I’ve recently gotten caught up in revisiting alternative music of the 1990s, from the Smashing Pumpkins and the Cranberries to Beck and the Beastie Boys. This musical nostalgia has also taken me back to memories of my teenage discovery of Grunge--those distorted electric guitar sounds, unkempt aesthetics, and melancholy lyrics. I’ve been brought back to Alice in Chains, Hole, Bush, Pearl Jam and Nirvana.

I wanted to hear more stories of Grunge as well as the musical stylings, so I began searching for a book on the genre. I came across a few titles, and then a best-selling book from last year grabbed my attention: Everybody Loves Our Town: An Oral History of Grunge by Mark Yarm. I tweeted about it and asked for any recommendations or critiques. I received a few comments of interest and then, surprisingly, author Mark Yarm himself tweeted at me, encouraging me to read the book and acknowledging his preferences and biases. It was a quick interaction and an example of the strange new ways our world can feel a little smaller with the connectedness of social media, especially a platform like Twitter.
Thankfully, The Bookshelf has Yarm’s book in stock so I think that’s next on my list.
- Heather Jarvis
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